Monday, March 17, 2008

This week in politics

OK so in recent weeks all kinds of things have been coming out of the woodwork with Obama. I really thought it would be Hillary that the dirt would fly on. But then again if you know anything about Hillary ....your gonna die!.... So this week in political news you have the good Gov of New York resigning because his hooker wanted to move to the next level... (minimum security. And from what I have read the NEW Gov might have the shortest term in History and just after taking office he tells the press that him and his wife had affairs early in their marriage. Good Luck Mr Gov in all you do. In the Race for the White House we have a Racist Black UN- American trying to become the second Black President(Bill Clinton was the First). Then Hillary who wants to raise taxes by 300% to pay for all her programs to make our poor people better and make the rick broke(I'm still trying to figure out how that's gonna work). Still its election time and the only future I can see for this country is not a good one. Even our our Republican, John McCain scares the living shit out of me. He has so many bills that cross the border between the Dem's and reps that You cant help but wonder what the Vietcong did to him in that tiger cage... Is he really human or is he part robot planted to destroy the Republican party!

The feds drop interest rate almost another full point(thank god i can pay my mortgage but I had to sell my car to buy a gallon of milk) I'm still wondering when they are gonna realize that when they drop interest rates the price of everything else goes up! I'm a high school drop out with a GED and I can figure that out.

Now lets move to the argument about Florida and Mi. Hillary just wanted the Dem's seated with out a re vote(imagine that Hillary wants to win and will stoop to new lows to make it happen)They think that the Tax payers should pay for a re-vote, we the tax payers ummmmmmm not so much! The only fair thing to do is not seat the delegates at all and do their best to win the super delegates at the convention( sorry i forgot the Dem's don't play fair in anything they do) Well I will add to this as I see new things come up but for now that is all. Don't forget to come by the show every WED at 9pm EST(unless i don't feel like doing it lol)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Is Iran next

In a unanimous decision today the United Nations laid new sanction down on Iran. They refuse to stop uranium enrichment as asked now for the 3rd time. They say they will not stop because it is for nuculer power and not any kind of WMD. However the UN feels they are hiding something. All this comes after Ahmadinejad visited Iraq and met with Iraqi leaders, quoted as saying our region had no terrorists till the US came in. It was a peaceful place and the Iraqi people do not like Americans and they should leave the country at once. I give it 6 months to a year before we are moving troops from Iraq to Iran. If you haven't realized what the sanctions on Iran will do to the US all I can say is trade your gas guzzling suv in on a camery today. Expect gas prices to go from just over 3 dollars to closer to $5.

Iran's U.N. Ambassador Mohammad Khazee told the council just before the vote that the government would not comply with the "unlawful action" against its "peaceful nuclear program."

Earlier Monday, the chief U.N. nuclear inspector urged Iran to stop stonewalling his experts and cooperate over indications it may have tried to make atomic arms under the cover of a civilian nuclear program.

A senior Iranian official said such allegations were "fabricated." But a U.S. envoy repeated Washington's assertions that Tehran tried to make such weapons in the past.

Sadam said that he didnt have WMD either and look where we are today . Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What Muslims what Muslims get

You've all heard of Harvard University. A group of Muslim women at the ivy league university have requested that they get 'women only time in the gym". . The request was granted and now since Jan. 28, the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center has been open only to women from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays.

Yet another example of how a religion can impact the country that we live in. If it had been a now islamic group of women im sure the request would have been denied. The gym is open to all women not just Muslims. This was started by a group of 6 muslim girls attending the colledge that are also members of
Harvard Islamic Society

Ola Aljawhary, a student and a member of the Harvard Islamic Society, said the women-only gym is needed.

"These hours are necessary because there is a segment of the Harvard female population that is not found in gyms, not because they don't want to work out, but because for them working out in a co-ed gym is uncomfortable, awkward or problematic in some way,"

Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, in Washington D.C., said modesty may prevent some Muslim women from exercising in a co-ed environment.

"If the women are dressed in a manner that makes it more comfortable to exercise, they may not feel it’s appropriate for them to be viewed by men in that particular attire," he said.

But the change has angered students like Nicholas Wells, a junior who called the change a "lose-lose" situation in an opinion article he wrote for the Harvard Crimson newspaper.

"It is an unreasonable policy that is unjust to men and useless to women," he wrote.

So because of the religion they choose to remain in and fear of being seen by a man with out their robe and head gear, men have to chance the routine they have been on to accommodate for this. I feel its a unfair and unjust rule that needs to be re evaluated. I for one would like to know what Rev Jackson has to say about this. Until next time this has been another political talk entry thank you and good day!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Immigration Show

We spoke with several people who live in border states about the problem with Illegal Immigration. One of our guest was from TX. Not on the border but close enough to comment about the problem Another guest we had was from Tucson Az, 60 miles from the Mexican Border. He told us that if you do not know Spanish there you don't fit in. WTF, last time i checked this was America and we spoked ENGLISH. He also informed us that the Billboards along the roads are in Spanish. This needs to stop. We need to quit enabling the Illegals to take over our country. I would challenge any American to move to Mexico and demand that schools teach in english and give you health care and fly an American Flag in your front yard and on the rear view mirror of your car. My opinion is if you love your country enough to live in another and still fly your flag GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY. THIS IS AMERICA IF YOUR GONNA LIVE HERE YOU NEED TO LEARN ENGLISH AND FLY OUR FLAG..... If you'd like to listen to the show here is the link.
We had some great callers and great commentary. please listen comment and rate

Over $103.00 a barrel

Yesterday (2/29/08) Crude oil closed on the market at over $103.00 a barrel. That will raise the average cost per gallon of gas to an overwhelming $3.40 a gallon. I think before the U.S. Government sends out the stimulus checks they need to consider making them a little bit bigger. Why can' t our government step in and do something about the raising cost of fuel. They can take care of every other country in the world and help them out in time of need by not there own. With it being an election year you would think that they would do something. With the GOP hopping to keep control of the White House I would expect more from Our commander in chief. After all we are in control of one of the biggest oil producing countries in the world. The only reason i can for see that our leaders dont do anything about it is they haven't had to pay for their own gas in years. Maybe we need to make then fuel their own SUV's and planes.

Uss New York

This article complements of

A new U.S. Navy ship to be christened Saturday was built partly using steel from the 9/11 ruins of the World Trade Center.

The USS New York is now stationed in Avondale, La., where the christening ceremony is scheduled to take place at 10 a.m. Central time, according to Northrop Grumman, the ship's manufacturer.

The company says on its Web site that the bow-stem of the ship, the seventh to be named "New York," includes 7.5 tons of steel from the World Trade Center.

The USS New York, an amphibious transport dock ship, is 684 feet long, can top 24 mph, and holds a crew of 360 sailors and three Marines. It is expected to be based in Norfolk, Va.

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