Thursday, October 23, 2008

McCain in Florida

John McCain started his tour of Florida today in central Fl. He spoke for about 30 min this morning before moving on to Orlando to meet with business owners and then off to another rally in Sarasota.. Some people are calling it to little to late that he should have done this months ago. The truth is getting out to battleground states days before the election is a great way to grab those undecided people out there that might not know who to vote for. McCain brought up one great point that Obama has changed his plans to include a working plan. If you don't already have a job you are not gonna be able to obtain and of the wealth he plans on spreading around. How is that gonna help the US economy. Plan and simple its not. The fact of the matter is that Obama's plan will put thousands more out of work and then he will come along and save the day with welfare. That is how he will spread the wealth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Come one come all

Hello everyone Political Talk Radio will be making a comeback on Thats right after several month of being off the air the show will resume. I want all of you to join me for my return show. Liberals and Conservatives alike. I want calls and lots of em . I want to talk about Both sides Obama and McCain. Their tax plans, their budgets and much much more. Joining me is my friend Lewis Alexander from Life with Lew on Blog Talk, as well as Wyatt McIntyre. So don't miss it. We will be having a trivia question and the first one to answer the question will get a prize.
Join us Wed the Oct 29th at 8 pm est.

How much is to much?

With Obama spending 3 to 1 what McCain is spending on ads and phone calls how much is to much. If you live in a battleground state more than likely you cant watch any channel on TV without seeing a Obama or McCain ad every commercial break. Spending has really gotten out of control with Obama even going as far as buying as space on video games. Ad after Ad after Ad. The majority of people are tired of seeing them. Now with less than 2 weeks to go its only going to get worse. There are street walkers out knocking on doors and handing out fliers. I know over the weekend there were a group of at least 30 people that gathered outside my apt complex all wearing Obama shirts with boxes and boxes of fliers all ready to come knocking on your door. I hung a sign on my door says do not know if you are with Obama. I guess they can read. But how much is to much. The average American doesn't like commercials anyway, but they really are sick of the attack ads. We want to hear what they are going to do not what their opponent is going to do. To date it is estimated that Obama has spent almost $300,000.00 this month alone on attack ads, alot of money that could have done better work in other ways. McCain doesn't spend anywhere near what Obama does but the ads are just as bad. Both side of the political spectrum are going overboard. One report I read stated that some people are thinking about voting for a 3rd party rather than buy into the the ads from the top 2 contenders.

McCain has just started a new campaign called keep you money in Fl. Himself along with Gov Crist (R) of Florida will travel all around the state. They start in Ormond Beach and stop in Sarasota, with several stops in between.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Distribute the Wealth

Obama famous words. Change.Were gonna distribute the wealth. Together we will change the World.Lets start with change. Has he really even said what hes gonna change? All I have heard is he is going to Tax the back bone of our country. He is going to lower taxes on the Middle Class(who don't really pay taxes anyway) and raise taxes on people who make over $250,000.00. Now I don't come anywhere near that, nor do I work for a small company that I need to worry if I will loose my Job. I am however worried that many small business, who are already suffering from the economic down slope, will close their doors and millions more will be with out a job and the housing market will continue to fall rapidly. When you tax businesses that supply goods and services then the price of those goods and services go up. What does that mean. Well it will have a catastrophic ending. No one will be able to afford those goods and services as we saw with gas prices, and then the domino effect starts. Business have to lay people off. Then those people cant pay their bills and loose their homes, cars and everything they have worked for all their lives. This leads us to Obamas second famous line. We will redistribute the wealth. So your gonna take my money I have worked for all my life tax me at 40% and do what with it. The people who's jobs you cost them to loose will be on welfare so you can give it to them that way. I think i have connected the dots here. Keep in mind that we only spend 10 billion a year more for our military than we do entitlement. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Only in America do we punish the hard working and reward the lazy. A woman can make more money a month laying on her back pushing out kid after kid after kid than a person making $12.00 working a full time job!. What this country need is welfare reform. Time limits and restrictions. If you cant find gain full employment in 6 month then you don't want to work. That is all there is to it. If you loose your job you State has a Workforce Intervention Dept. They will train you for something if you have no skills for anything else. Then they help you find a job. The guest worker program in this country where we let Mexicans come here to work needs to go away. If your on welfare and cant find a job your gonna earn your money picking tomatoes. Why doesn't anyone see the solution to our problems. No Politician will even think about putting this out to the public. Why? because then you will see how quickly you get voted out of office. And last but not least Obama says "Together we will change the World". Really I remember Hitler saying something along the same lines. And we all remember how he changed the world. Obama wants to fight Global Warming, but does he know anything about it. His buddy Al Gore will help with that I'm sure. Hes gonna take more of our money to send to Kenya and other 3rd world country's. Hes not gonna help us. Hes gonna destroy us. The change he speaks of is a metaphor. When hes done all your gonna have left is change!

More the the battleground

In a recent poll of who would be better suited as Commander in Chief it seems the military is overwhelmingly behind McCain. 82% of the military are planning on voting for McCain. However if you remember in the last 2 elections the left made arguments that cost the military their vote. Votes didn't count in the 2004 election for our fighting men and this all seems a little to familiar for this blogger. This is a time in the world when we need a experienced man in the big house to make sure or country stays safe. 911 was just a glimpse of what will happen if we let our guard down again. Clinton made huge cut to our armed services as President and that may be part of the reason we were attacked. People look at the President of guidance in everything. From gas prices to how much we pay in taxes, grocery prices and anything else we can come up with to complain about. It is not always the President. He has a cabinet of advisers he looks to for advise. They advise him and he makes a decision. The biggest problem in Congress. We have a Congress that has forgotten that they "represent us". They worry to much about lobbyist and special interest groups to remember that. While I would like to see Nancy Pelosi taken out of power it looks like the chances for that are grim. With the influence that Hollywood and the Music industry has over our youth we will see more and more left wing liberals taking over. This destroying this country.

Obama speaks that he is going to create this and that to help the country and we all know that it is going to cost a fortune to do so. He also claims that he will cut more spending then he is going to create. I ist and wonder what he will get rid of. Social Security, Medicare. Maybe he will follow in the foot steps of former President "Slick Willy Clinton" and cut our military in half and close bases all around the world. Something else that really bothers me is Obama quote that"Together we will change the World". I do recall someone else saying the same thing, who was that. Oh yeah Hitler that's right. Only this version of Hitler has ties to Muslim lands. Weather or not the rumors are true i still do not like the fact that the chance is there. The man wants to sit down with leaders of Communist country's that only have the worst intentions for our great land. That is the man that thousands flock to see and chant his name as if his next trick will be walking on water. Some call him the Messiah. Others call him God.

I don't understand how a man that has been tied to so many horrible people from the great Rev Wright to Tony Rezco can be so followed. I listened to a woman yesterday on the news say she called in sick to work to go see the Messiah speak and how it was the opportunity of a life time. I beg you pardon, lady meeting the Pope is an opportunity of a life time. Winning the lottery is the opportunity of a life time. Meeting and listening to a man running for President comes around every 4 years. I guess every generation has to has some kind of second coming for people but really this guy. The man who's wife has never been proud of her country until now. SO when we freed your people from slavery and the whole civil right movement wasn't good enough. That really bothers me. Obama wants socialized health care, Government will hand it out and control it. The left is all about control but what we don't remember is this country was founded upon the idea of less government. Less control. Freedom to come and go as we please. The right a freedoms that we have grown to ignore in modern life are going to slowly disappear. The Government will control every as;etc of your life.

The Government is tyring to make a new kind of ID that has a RF chip in it to track people. Law Enforcement will be able to drive by your home and see who is in your house. That is a infraction of privacy. Yet left wing nut cases are all over it saying it is a great idea. WTF! Well that is all for this entry. Please leave comments. God Bless America!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plummer vs Obama

What kind of a country has this become, that a man cannot ask someone running for political office a question about a policy they plan to put into place with out having the attack dog sent out after them? Maybe, if more people had asked Obama questions like Joe, there would be another name on the Left side of the ballot. Has any one noticed, that Obama never really answers questions? He says, "No that's not true my tax plan will help you, John McCain's tax plan is the one you have to worry about". At this point in time, it seems as if Obama knows more about his opponents policy ideas than his own. I don't think Obama has a plan, I think he thinks he is just going to skate right into the White House and take over. Running things the way the Messiah feels his followers want him to. The man can do no wrong in the eyes of the left. People who said 6 months ago "I would never vote for him, Hillary is my candidate and if she loses I will vote for the right", are now all changing their tune. They all stand in line with the rest of the Obama supporters chanting his name as if he is about to walk on water or heal a little boy with cancer. To make matters worse and to shed more light on the kind of President he will be, he made a statement that he will change this country and together we will change the world. That's a pretty tall order for a young senator turned superstar. Yet people still flock to him like with one wave of his hand there will be no more poverty or crime. Gold will fall out of the sky and everyone will be enriched with wealth they didn't earn. Only in America do we reward the lazy and punish the hard working. The rhetoric of the whole thing makes me sick and to think that in just a few short weeks we can be handing the keys to the White House over to a man who went from community organizer to Senator to Presidential Hopeful is a scary thought. In a time in our Great Country when we don't know if we will wake up the next morning and have the gas to get to work, the majority of the people plan to send a man into the most powerful position in the world with next to no experience in foreign affairs. Never served a day in the Military and has close ties to a domestic terrorist. What are we thinking?! Look at all the man has been ousted on in the last several months. Rev Wright, Tony Rezco, Bill Ayers. Now growing up, words from my father were, "You are judged by the company you keep". That must not be true if you are a Black man running for President. Now if it were a White Republican running for office, the left would be all over it with attack ads and using it against them in debate and town hall meetings and so on. The fact of the matter is the left can't win with out playing dirty politics. I'm not saying the right is perfect at all, trust me, we have our problems as well, but we don't play the dirty games that they do. Well that's all for now.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oil Falls to 8 month low

The average American stopped needles driving around town and even stayed home on holidays instead of going across the state to see friends and family for the last few months. Gas prices soured to a all time high during that time. With oil getting as high as $140.00 a barrel. Now most of us saw that when oil went up gas went up, dramatically. Yet as the price of crude plummets we don't see that drastic drop in gas cost as we did with its rise. The Government is so worried about bailing out corrupt Ceo'S that it hasn't taken the time to do anything about this. The economy is #1 on the list of arguments Between Obama and McCain, as well as the rest of the country. With the rise in gas prices comes the downfall of the economy, yet the majority of the country would rather just blame Bush. When in doubt Just Blame Bush! (I am surprised I haven't seen this on T-shirts).
Democratic leader and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has gone as far as making the statement on her weekly radio show that even if we did drill now it would be 10 or 15 years before that oil would hit the pumps and by then it would only save Americans a few penny's per gallon. Now i ask you this my faith full readers (both of you) if the oil we harvest now or even buy now wont hit the umps for so long then why are gas prices going up as soon as crude goes up. In fact the oil that is being refined right now and pumped into your cars was purchased at the $39.00 a barrel price. Basically big oil and corrupt Government is ripping us off. It would b like me paying a dollar for a double cheeseburger and selling it to you for $25.00. Now I know I have a liberal or 2 that read this and by now your thinking its Bush its all Bush, in fact you may be yelling that at the computer screen , but the fact of the matter is there is not enough control over the price of gas against the cost of crude. We the People have paid our dues for the rapid jump in crude. Its now time that we get a break. We demand that gas comes down now not later and not slowly. Bring it down as fast as you rich bastards took it up!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Casey grabs a murder charge

I'm sure most of you have seen or heard about the on going investigation in Orlando Fl about little 3 year old Calyee Anthony. Today a Grand Jury made up of 19 local people listened to testimony and got a first hand look at evidence that the local police along with the FDLE and FBI have recovered in their investigation. After on a few short hours the panel of 19 decided there was enough evidence to charge the 22 year old mother Casey Anthony with 1st degree Murder, Aggravated Manslaughter and a slew of other charges. We can only hope that since she is now really over the coals, she will talk and let the people of this world know what really happened to her little girl.
Little Caylee has been missing since late June, and her mother (Casey Anthony) swears the a babysitter/nanny Zenaida Gonzalez. Investigators have located several people with that name and interview them but says none of them are suspects. The indictment comes only a day after a non profit searxh team Texas Equisearch reportly found a dress that matched the description of a dress that Calyee had worn in several family photos. The location of the find is not being released as it is concerdered evidence until lab results come back to determine if it is in fact Calyees dress.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More election B.S.

As a Conservative in this country I am well aware that most of Hollywood and almost all media is a little more that somewhat left leaning. Most cater to the left news while they bash everything the right does. What I have learned this morning is the perfect example of the left wing walking all over the right. It has come to my attention that the Moderator for the vice Presidential debate has a book coming out just after the election that is all about Obama. That's right she is a Obama supporter. I personally feel that this is a violation of something, can't quite figure out what but it is a conflict of interest. Take the debate between Obama and McCain. They had several "undecided voters" in a room watching the debate with a electronic device they could turn up and down depending on how they felt about the candidates answers. After the debate they talked with a few of the voters and interviewed them. Several of them were from Chicago. If that wasn't a set up i don't know what was. The fact of the matter is that the Left is always reaching for the better "ratings" during elections. They are always whining,9 I won the election i want tax payers to spend millions of dollars re counting votes and hanging chads don't count. Cry me a river. The right gets no respect for this country. We are such a small group in the spectrum of things. The left has unlimited influence from Hollywood on the American voters. They make their candidates iconic in a way that people run out and bow down to them as if they are the next profit from above.

Meanwhile you have people like Nancey Peolsi running her mouth blaming Bush for everything.
Several weeks ago I happened to stumble across her weekly radio address and over heard her tell the American people that it is the rights fault we dont have more drilling going on domestically to help end our dependence on forgien oil. HMMMM if i remember correctly Madam Speaker, it was you who blocked the bill from being voted on before you took you undeserved vacation.(a vacation with a 9% approval rating. I can see how that works.) The fact of the matter is the right goes unnoticed unless we do something the left and Hollywood doesn't approve of. Whats really funny is most of Hollywood supports Obama. They don't understand that they are going to pay extremely higher taxes. Capitol gains tax is going to go thru the roof. The death tax is going to sky rocket. Now maybe its just me but I personally feel that if there is going to be major tax changes the American People should be the ones to vote on it. Yeah Yeah Yeah i know what your thinking(left people who stumbled across this) we don't know why they need to raise taxes but who the hell cares we work hard for our money and it shouldn't go to crap like sending Pelosi over seas to visit with people.

Now in Ohio they are taking early voting to the extreme. Ohio as most of you know is a huge battleground state. So they have early voting and the media is going to give daily updates on who's winning. That is likely to swing the vote. People who are unsure in other big stated such as NY and Florida might lean towards Obama because hes winning. Well enough bitching from me today......