Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Distribute the Wealth

Obama famous words. Change.Were gonna distribute the wealth. Together we will change the World.Lets start with change. Has he really even said what hes gonna change? All I have heard is he is going to Tax the back bone of our country. He is going to lower taxes on the Middle Class(who don't really pay taxes anyway) and raise taxes on people who make over $250,000.00. Now I don't come anywhere near that, nor do I work for a small company that I need to worry if I will loose my Job. I am however worried that many small business, who are already suffering from the economic down slope, will close their doors and millions more will be with out a job and the housing market will continue to fall rapidly. When you tax businesses that supply goods and services then the price of those goods and services go up. What does that mean. Well it will have a catastrophic ending. No one will be able to afford those goods and services as we saw with gas prices, and then the domino effect starts. Business have to lay people off. Then those people cant pay their bills and loose their homes, cars and everything they have worked for all their lives. This leads us to Obamas second famous line. We will redistribute the wealth. So your gonna take my money I have worked for all my life tax me at 40% and do what with it. The people who's jobs you cost them to loose will be on welfare so you can give it to them that way. I think i have connected the dots here. Keep in mind that we only spend 10 billion a year more for our military than we do entitlement. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Only in America do we punish the hard working and reward the lazy. A woman can make more money a month laying on her back pushing out kid after kid after kid than a person making $12.00 working a full time job!. What this country need is welfare reform. Time limits and restrictions. If you cant find gain full employment in 6 month then you don't want to work. That is all there is to it. If you loose your job you State has a Workforce Intervention Dept. They will train you for something if you have no skills for anything else. Then they help you find a job. The guest worker program in this country where we let Mexicans come here to work needs to go away. If your on welfare and cant find a job your gonna earn your money picking tomatoes. Why doesn't anyone see the solution to our problems. No Politician will even think about putting this out to the public. Why? because then you will see how quickly you get voted out of office. And last but not least Obama says "Together we will change the World". Really I remember Hitler saying something along the same lines. And we all remember how he changed the world. Obama wants to fight Global Warming, but does he know anything about it. His buddy Al Gore will help with that I'm sure. Hes gonna take more of our money to send to Kenya and other 3rd world country's. Hes not gonna help us. Hes gonna destroy us. The change he speaks of is a metaphor. When hes done all your gonna have left is change!

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