Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More election B.S.

As a Conservative in this country I am well aware that most of Hollywood and almost all media is a little more that somewhat left leaning. Most cater to the left news while they bash everything the right does. What I have learned this morning is the perfect example of the left wing walking all over the right. It has come to my attention that the Moderator for the vice Presidential debate has a book coming out just after the election that is all about Obama. That's right she is a Obama supporter. I personally feel that this is a violation of something, can't quite figure out what but it is a conflict of interest. Take the debate between Obama and McCain. They had several "undecided voters" in a room watching the debate with a electronic device they could turn up and down depending on how they felt about the candidates answers. After the debate they talked with a few of the voters and interviewed them. Several of them were from Chicago. If that wasn't a set up i don't know what was. The fact of the matter is that the Left is always reaching for the better "ratings" during elections. They are always whining,9 I won the election i want tax payers to spend millions of dollars re counting votes and hanging chads don't count. Cry me a river. The right gets no respect for this country. We are such a small group in the spectrum of things. The left has unlimited influence from Hollywood on the American voters. They make their candidates iconic in a way that people run out and bow down to them as if they are the next profit from above.

Meanwhile you have people like Nancey Peolsi running her mouth blaming Bush for everything.
Several weeks ago I happened to stumble across her weekly radio address and over heard her tell the American people that it is the rights fault we dont have more drilling going on domestically to help end our dependence on forgien oil. HMMMM if i remember correctly Madam Speaker, it was you who blocked the bill from being voted on before you took you undeserved vacation.(a vacation with a 9% approval rating. I can see how that works.) The fact of the matter is the right goes unnoticed unless we do something the left and Hollywood doesn't approve of. Whats really funny is most of Hollywood supports Obama. They don't understand that they are going to pay extremely higher taxes. Capitol gains tax is going to go thru the roof. The death tax is going to sky rocket. Now maybe its just me but I personally feel that if there is going to be major tax changes the American People should be the ones to vote on it. Yeah Yeah Yeah i know what your thinking(left people who stumbled across this) we don't know why they need to raise taxes but who the hell cares we work hard for our money and it shouldn't go to crap like sending Pelosi over seas to visit with people.

Now in Ohio they are taking early voting to the extreme. Ohio as most of you know is a huge battleground state. So they have early voting and the media is going to give daily updates on who's winning. That is likely to swing the vote. People who are unsure in other big stated such as NY and Florida might lean towards Obama because hes winning. Well enough bitching from me today......


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