Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plummer vs Obama

What kind of a country has this become, that a man cannot ask someone running for political office a question about a policy they plan to put into place with out having the attack dog sent out after them? Maybe, if more people had asked Obama questions like Joe, there would be another name on the Left side of the ballot. Has any one noticed, that Obama never really answers questions? He says, "No that's not true my tax plan will help you, John McCain's tax plan is the one you have to worry about". At this point in time, it seems as if Obama knows more about his opponents policy ideas than his own. I don't think Obama has a plan, I think he thinks he is just going to skate right into the White House and take over. Running things the way the Messiah feels his followers want him to. The man can do no wrong in the eyes of the left. People who said 6 months ago "I would never vote for him, Hillary is my candidate and if she loses I will vote for the right", are now all changing their tune. They all stand in line with the rest of the Obama supporters chanting his name as if he is about to walk on water or heal a little boy with cancer. To make matters worse and to shed more light on the kind of President he will be, he made a statement that he will change this country and together we will change the world. That's a pretty tall order for a young senator turned superstar. Yet people still flock to him like with one wave of his hand there will be no more poverty or crime. Gold will fall out of the sky and everyone will be enriched with wealth they didn't earn. Only in America do we reward the lazy and punish the hard working. The rhetoric of the whole thing makes me sick and to think that in just a few short weeks we can be handing the keys to the White House over to a man who went from community organizer to Senator to Presidential Hopeful is a scary thought. In a time in our Great Country when we don't know if we will wake up the next morning and have the gas to get to work, the majority of the people plan to send a man into the most powerful position in the world with next to no experience in foreign affairs. Never served a day in the Military and has close ties to a domestic terrorist. What are we thinking?! Look at all the man has been ousted on in the last several months. Rev Wright, Tony Rezco, Bill Ayers. Now growing up, words from my father were, "You are judged by the company you keep". That must not be true if you are a Black man running for President. Now if it were a White Republican running for office, the left would be all over it with attack ads and using it against them in debate and town hall meetings and so on. The fact of the matter is the left can't win with out playing dirty politics. I'm not saying the right is perfect at all, trust me, we have our problems as well, but we don't play the dirty games that they do. Well that's all for now.

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