Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Big 3 Bail Out and your money

So the BIG 3 went to Washington to ask for a loan. They have had some shady practices in the past that have caused them to no longer have the funds to remain in business thus causing the economy to go further in the ground. Billions have been set aside for these company's so they can stay open. Now say you had made some bad decisions in life. You go down to the dealership to look at a new car or truck. They run your credit and they come back and say " Well your either going to need a huge chunk of money down or a co signer" Well Mr. GM or Ford. I was YOUR cosigner in your multi billion dollar bailout. So I think I'll take my money back. Then to add insult to injury Just days after Chrysler spend a ton of money to place full page ads in several newspapers thanking "America" for investing in the future of the company. This not only is a huge kick in the butt to failing businesses all over the country but shows just how irresponsible these huge companies are.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Its only Right for the Left

"Sarah Palin doesn't have enough experience" "Sarah Palin is just the Gov of Alaska" Just 2 of the things that were said about the "lack of experience" Sarah Palin had while running on the Republican Ticket for Vice President. The left bashed her up one side and down the other. Criticizing every thing she had ever done or not done. I guess lack of experience only applies to the right. If you are a left wing nut job then you don't need any experience to hold a important office. And you don't have to earn it either. Caroline Kennedy is being lifted by the left as if she is the next Obama. Other than her last name she has no ties to anything in Washington. Never held any public office, while Sarah Palin was a Mayor a City Council person and a handful of other offices she held before being elected Gov of the largest State in the union.
I guess maybe next time Sarah Palin should run on the other side of the ticket!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Era


In the 21 months we have seen the largest and longest as well as the costliest election in the nation’s history. Well over a billion dollars has been spent to get us where we are today. Millions of people have logged on to the internet to blog and volg about the President Elect and his ideas to “Change” the country. Change is coming alright. The new President will do a lot with the internet during his time in office. He has accumulated over three and a half billion email address and there is no telling how many cell phone numbers his can text and he plans to use them to inform and reform. "He's built the largest network anyone has ever seen in politics, and congressional Republicans are clueless about the communications shift that has happened," Democratic strategist Joe Trippi proclaims. The results, he says, "will be amazing to watch." So keep an eye out, its no longer personal ads and credit card offers that will be spamming your in box. Be on the look out for the spam of all spam, “Obama Spam”. With the world moving faster and faster into the electronic age this may be the only way for him to reach some citizens. Most of us are tired of the news after such a long election. I personally an exhausted over all the information and promises I have had to absorb over the last 2 years. So the internet makes sense. While some won’t turn on the news for what ever reason they may have most of America will still check their email everyday or if you’re like me every 30 min. So welcome the era. Obama's team is determining how best to convert his army of online activists into a viral lobbying and communications machine. Staffers are reluctant to discuss specifics, but Obama clearly is poised to become the first truly "wired" president of the digital age. Instead of the President’s normal radio address I figure we will see and Obama address on youtube every week. So hang on to your laptops and smart phones. Al Gore may have invented the internet (as well as global warming) but Barrack Obama will define it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A tour of his new Home!

Today President elect Obama will get to see the Oval Office for the first time. He has been to the white house several times but never in the west wing. This is a tradition passed down from President to President to give the incoming a tour and let him sit behind the famous Resolute desk. I was wondering this morning if there is such a book as port raid in the newest National Treasure movie. The book of secrets. Does it exist and will the Prez Elect get to see it today? Only a hand full of Presidents have declined to visit the White House prior to inaugural day. President Bush didn't need the tour, he already knew his way around the White House since his dad had been President. While President Bush and President Elect Obama have their private meeting in the Oval Office, First Lady Laura Bush and Mrs. Obama will tour the living quarters and family side to the White House. They will also discuss raising kids in the White House as First lady elect gets advice from Laura. It should be a incredible day for the Obama clan as they take the first steps into his new roll in American History.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Elected on Merit?

Some say that you can't buy an election. Obama proved that wrong. He not only set the record for being the first African-American elected to the highest office in the country but he also set another record. President elect Obama spent more on an election than anyone in history. With television commercials out numbering John McCain 2 to 1 as well as radio ads and even advertising on popular video games. Then there was his Obama power half hour, a 30 ad with no commercial breaks.
As we move more toward a lifestyle where the Internet over whelms TV and radio, Obama still flooded the airways. But I have to ask "was Obama elected on his own merit?" I say he was not. In my opinion he was elected for other reasons. First he was not Bush or a republican. Second 90% of Hollywood and the music industry wanted him, with songs being written and celebs like P-diddy (or what ever his name is this week) putting up videos on youtube McCain never stood a chance. Rather than support a man who has half a century of experience serving his country, we elected a man the Hollywood told us to. The other reason he was elected i feel was for his race. When it all is said and done I can make excuses all day why he was elected but I can tell you he wasn't elected for his Merit. He has no history in the Senate. He went from being a community organiser to President in just a few short years.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not against change. I know we need to make some changes but the changes this man is proposing will cripple the economy even more if not completely. Taxing business causes people to loose jobs. Then those people cant pay bills. Houses get foreclosed and the housing market takes a fatal downward spiral.
All around the world people blame Bush for the housing crunch and failed economics. Maybe he could have spent a little more time in the last 8 years on the economy and less time on saving a country that just doesn't care. The fact of the matter is is reaches so much further than President Bush. This started during the Clinton administration when he ordered and Freddie mac to lower standards and boost home ownership. What that caused was people to buy homes they couldn't afford. Then you have to put blame on the Federal Reserve. When interest rates were a little higher people wouldn't buy homes. But the feds kept lowering the rates and people took loans they couldn't afford. Basically people just want someone other than them selves to blame. If you take time to look at it it is really self inflicted. People were unhappy with the President and worried about everything and quit investing in the stock market, pulled money out of other investments. When all we had to do was keep business as usual. The other problem is there is no accountability . No one is being held responsible for these bad loans. If the people who lied about there income to get the loan in the first place were prosecuted then maybe people would think twice before falsifying income. The more you analyze it the more it makes since!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Divided States of America

The country has had a few hours to soak in all the election news. With a huge victory to President elect Obama and his supporters we congratulate you. We embark on a new journey. One that has shut the doors on history. America now has fulfilled Dr Martin Luther Kings dream. I can only hope that the rumors that Obama will navigate his office from the middle of the road. With the economy in the dirt we look to our new leader for advice. We can only hope that the change this man has promised our country so much change is change for the better. Looking back at the last 24 months alot has changed in this country. No matter who would have won the Republican nomination the left still would have compared him to President Bush. The platform that Obama ran on for the last several months was apparently the right one. I personally don't feel that it matters how Sen McCain voted but it was not my vote that made the difference. The fact is Hollywood and the music industry had a huge effect on the outcome of this election. With celebs coming out in mobs endorsing Obama the younglings of this country did exactly what they wanted. Some will say he won because he is Black. Others will say he won because of the last 8 years have been such a disappointment. Whatever the reason We need to remember we are a country and a team. We are only as strong as our weakest link.

A county divided will fail. We must walk away from the past and look to the future. The future can hold a bright and rewarding reward. We must become United again. The patriotism that came in the days and years following Sept. 11th needs to show its face again. It didn't matter if you were a Republican or a Democrat. Divided we cannot be United. We stand today a broken Country. Politics needs to be put aside and remember we are all fighting for the same cause. Survival!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A new mark in History

According to most networks history has been made on Nov 4th 2008. A African American man has won the election to become the next President of the United States. But did he really. It has come to our attention that the US military votes have not been included in the total. Why is it you can fight for your country but your vote to decide who your next boss is doesn't. As we witnessed in the 2000 and 2004 election, both Sen Kerry and former VP Gore bitched and complained about the results in many areas of the country. With that said there is also the accusations that a Obama worker took mentally challenged people and voted for them for Obama. Then there is ACORN and the Black Panthers that stopped McCain supporters from voting. The question you have to ask yourself is would this race be any different if it were not for race. I have heard so many people say they are voting for him because he is black or we need change yet no one i talked to knew what change this self proclaimed Messiah wanted to make.

I am proud to have been here to witness this day in history. I can only hope that his changes are for the good and he really does know what he is doing. His cabinet as he has said will contain both Republicans and Democrats. As Sen McCain just said in his speech, We must move on the get this country moving again, and we cant live another day wondering what might have been. I for one hope he is right. As a conservative Republican i can only hope that the house works in a non partisan way to help get the economy back on track. From this day forward we can no longer say that only one race have controlled the free world. I congratulate President Elect Obama in his win and wish him well in his first term as the leader of the greatest nation on earth!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

McCain in Florida

John McCain started his tour of Florida today in central Fl. He spoke for about 30 min this morning before moving on to Orlando to meet with business owners and then off to another rally in Sarasota.. Some people are calling it to little to late that he should have done this months ago. The truth is getting out to battleground states days before the election is a great way to grab those undecided people out there that might not know who to vote for. McCain brought up one great point that Obama has changed his plans to include a working plan. If you don't already have a job you are not gonna be able to obtain and of the wealth he plans on spreading around. How is that gonna help the US economy. Plan and simple its not. The fact of the matter is that Obama's plan will put thousands more out of work and then he will come along and save the day with welfare. That is how he will spread the wealth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Come one come all

Hello everyone Political Talk Radio will be making a comeback on blogtalkradio.com. Thats right after several month of being off the air the show will resume. I want all of you to join me for my return show. Liberals and Conservatives alike. I want calls and lots of em . I want to talk about Both sides Obama and McCain. Their tax plans, their budgets and much much more. Joining me is my friend Lewis Alexander from Life with Lew on Blog Talk, as well as Wyatt McIntyre. So don't miss it. We will be having a trivia question and the first one to answer the question will get a prize.
Join us Wed the Oct 29th at 8 pm est. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/politicaltalk

How much is to much?

With Obama spending 3 to 1 what McCain is spending on ads and phone calls how much is to much. If you live in a battleground state more than likely you cant watch any channel on TV without seeing a Obama or McCain ad every commercial break. Spending has really gotten out of control with Obama even going as far as buying as space on video games. Ad after Ad after Ad. The majority of people are tired of seeing them. Now with less than 2 weeks to go its only going to get worse. There are street walkers out knocking on doors and handing out fliers. I know over the weekend there were a group of at least 30 people that gathered outside my apt complex all wearing Obama shirts with boxes and boxes of fliers all ready to come knocking on your door. I hung a sign on my door says do not know if you are with Obama. I guess they can read. But how much is to much. The average American doesn't like commercials anyway, but they really are sick of the attack ads. We want to hear what they are going to do not what their opponent is going to do. To date it is estimated that Obama has spent almost $300,000.00 this month alone on attack ads, alot of money that could have done better work in other ways. McCain doesn't spend anywhere near what Obama does but the ads are just as bad. Both side of the political spectrum are going overboard. One report I read stated that some people are thinking about voting for a 3rd party rather than buy into the the ads from the top 2 contenders.

McCain has just started a new campaign called keep you money in Fl. Himself along with Gov Crist (R) of Florida will travel all around the state. They start in Ormond Beach and stop in Sarasota, with several stops in between.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Distribute the Wealth

Obama famous words. Change.Were gonna distribute the wealth. Together we will change the World.Lets start with change. Has he really even said what hes gonna change? All I have heard is he is going to Tax the back bone of our country. He is going to lower taxes on the Middle Class(who don't really pay taxes anyway) and raise taxes on people who make over $250,000.00. Now I don't come anywhere near that, nor do I work for a small company that I need to worry if I will loose my Job. I am however worried that many small business, who are already suffering from the economic down slope, will close their doors and millions more will be with out a job and the housing market will continue to fall rapidly. When you tax businesses that supply goods and services then the price of those goods and services go up. What does that mean. Well it will have a catastrophic ending. No one will be able to afford those goods and services as we saw with gas prices, and then the domino effect starts. Business have to lay people off. Then those people cant pay their bills and loose their homes, cars and everything they have worked for all their lives. This leads us to Obamas second famous line. We will redistribute the wealth. So your gonna take my money I have worked for all my life tax me at 40% and do what with it. The people who's jobs you cost them to loose will be on welfare so you can give it to them that way. I think i have connected the dots here. Keep in mind that we only spend 10 billion a year more for our military than we do entitlement. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Only in America do we punish the hard working and reward the lazy. A woman can make more money a month laying on her back pushing out kid after kid after kid than a person making $12.00 working a full time job!. What this country need is welfare reform. Time limits and restrictions. If you cant find gain full employment in 6 month then you don't want to work. That is all there is to it. If you loose your job you State has a Workforce Intervention Dept. They will train you for something if you have no skills for anything else. Then they help you find a job. The guest worker program in this country where we let Mexicans come here to work needs to go away. If your on welfare and cant find a job your gonna earn your money picking tomatoes. Why doesn't anyone see the solution to our problems. No Politician will even think about putting this out to the public. Why? because then you will see how quickly you get voted out of office. And last but not least Obama says "Together we will change the World". Really I remember Hitler saying something along the same lines. And we all remember how he changed the world. Obama wants to fight Global Warming, but does he know anything about it. His buddy Al Gore will help with that I'm sure. Hes gonna take more of our money to send to Kenya and other 3rd world country's. Hes not gonna help us. Hes gonna destroy us. The change he speaks of is a metaphor. When hes done all your gonna have left is change!

More the the battleground

In a recent poll of who would be better suited as Commander in Chief it seems the military is overwhelmingly behind McCain. 82% of the military are planning on voting for McCain. However if you remember in the last 2 elections the left made arguments that cost the military their vote. Votes didn't count in the 2004 election for our fighting men and this all seems a little to familiar for this blogger. This is a time in the world when we need a experienced man in the big house to make sure or country stays safe. 911 was just a glimpse of what will happen if we let our guard down again. Clinton made huge cut to our armed services as President and that may be part of the reason we were attacked. People look at the President of guidance in everything. From gas prices to how much we pay in taxes, grocery prices and anything else we can come up with to complain about. It is not always the President. He has a cabinet of advisers he looks to for advise. They advise him and he makes a decision. The biggest problem in Congress. We have a Congress that has forgotten that they "represent us". They worry to much about lobbyist and special interest groups to remember that. While I would like to see Nancy Pelosi taken out of power it looks like the chances for that are grim. With the influence that Hollywood and the Music industry has over our youth we will see more and more left wing liberals taking over. This destroying this country.

Obama speaks that he is going to create this and that to help the country and we all know that it is going to cost a fortune to do so. He also claims that he will cut more spending then he is going to create. I ist and wonder what he will get rid of. Social Security, Medicare. Maybe he will follow in the foot steps of former President "Slick Willy Clinton" and cut our military in half and close bases all around the world. Something else that really bothers me is Obama quote that"Together we will change the World". I do recall someone else saying the same thing, who was that. Oh yeah Hitler that's right. Only this version of Hitler has ties to Muslim lands. Weather or not the rumors are true i still do not like the fact that the chance is there. The man wants to sit down with leaders of Communist country's that only have the worst intentions for our great land. That is the man that thousands flock to see and chant his name as if his next trick will be walking on water. Some call him the Messiah. Others call him God.

I don't understand how a man that has been tied to so many horrible people from the great Rev Wright to Tony Rezco can be so followed. I listened to a woman yesterday on the news say she called in sick to work to go see the Messiah speak and how it was the opportunity of a life time. I beg you pardon, lady meeting the Pope is an opportunity of a life time. Winning the lottery is the opportunity of a life time. Meeting and listening to a man running for President comes around every 4 years. I guess every generation has to has some kind of second coming for people but really this guy. The man who's wife has never been proud of her country until now. SO when we freed your people from slavery and the whole civil right movement wasn't good enough. That really bothers me. Obama wants socialized health care, Government will hand it out and control it. The left is all about control but what we don't remember is this country was founded upon the idea of less government. Less control. Freedom to come and go as we please. The right a freedoms that we have grown to ignore in modern life are going to slowly disappear. The Government will control every as;etc of your life.

The Government is tyring to make a new kind of ID that has a RF chip in it to track people. Law Enforcement will be able to drive by your home and see who is in your house. That is a infraction of privacy. Yet left wing nut cases are all over it saying it is a great idea. WTF! Well that is all for this entry. Please leave comments. God Bless America!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plummer vs Obama

What kind of a country has this become, that a man cannot ask someone running for political office a question about a policy they plan to put into place with out having the attack dog sent out after them? Maybe, if more people had asked Obama questions like Joe, there would be another name on the Left side of the ballot. Has any one noticed, that Obama never really answers questions? He says, "No that's not true my tax plan will help you, John McCain's tax plan is the one you have to worry about". At this point in time, it seems as if Obama knows more about his opponents policy ideas than his own. I don't think Obama has a plan, I think he thinks he is just going to skate right into the White House and take over. Running things the way the Messiah feels his followers want him to. The man can do no wrong in the eyes of the left. People who said 6 months ago "I would never vote for him, Hillary is my candidate and if she loses I will vote for the right", are now all changing their tune. They all stand in line with the rest of the Obama supporters chanting his name as if he is about to walk on water or heal a little boy with cancer. To make matters worse and to shed more light on the kind of President he will be, he made a statement that he will change this country and together we will change the world. That's a pretty tall order for a young senator turned superstar. Yet people still flock to him like with one wave of his hand there will be no more poverty or crime. Gold will fall out of the sky and everyone will be enriched with wealth they didn't earn. Only in America do we reward the lazy and punish the hard working. The rhetoric of the whole thing makes me sick and to think that in just a few short weeks we can be handing the keys to the White House over to a man who went from community organizer to Senator to Presidential Hopeful is a scary thought. In a time in our Great Country when we don't know if we will wake up the next morning and have the gas to get to work, the majority of the people plan to send a man into the most powerful position in the world with next to no experience in foreign affairs. Never served a day in the Military and has close ties to a domestic terrorist. What are we thinking?! Look at all the man has been ousted on in the last several months. Rev Wright, Tony Rezco, Bill Ayers. Now growing up, words from my father were, "You are judged by the company you keep". That must not be true if you are a Black man running for President. Now if it were a White Republican running for office, the left would be all over it with attack ads and using it against them in debate and town hall meetings and so on. The fact of the matter is the left can't win with out playing dirty politics. I'm not saying the right is perfect at all, trust me, we have our problems as well, but we don't play the dirty games that they do. Well that's all for now.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oil Falls to 8 month low

The average American stopped needles driving around town and even stayed home on holidays instead of going across the state to see friends and family for the last few months. Gas prices soured to a all time high during that time. With oil getting as high as $140.00 a barrel. Now most of us saw that when oil went up gas went up, dramatically. Yet as the price of crude plummets we don't see that drastic drop in gas cost as we did with its rise. The Government is so worried about bailing out corrupt Ceo'S that it hasn't taken the time to do anything about this. The economy is #1 on the list of arguments Between Obama and McCain, as well as the rest of the country. With the rise in gas prices comes the downfall of the economy, yet the majority of the country would rather just blame Bush. When in doubt Just Blame Bush! (I am surprised I haven't seen this on T-shirts).
Democratic leader and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has gone as far as making the statement on her weekly radio show that even if we did drill now it would be 10 or 15 years before that oil would hit the pumps and by then it would only save Americans a few penny's per gallon. Now i ask you this my faith full readers (both of you) if the oil we harvest now or even buy now wont hit the umps for so long then why are gas prices going up as soon as crude goes up. In fact the oil that is being refined right now and pumped into your cars was purchased at the $39.00 a barrel price. Basically big oil and corrupt Government is ripping us off. It would b like me paying a dollar for a double cheeseburger and selling it to you for $25.00. Now I know I have a liberal or 2 that read this and by now your thinking its Bush its all Bush, in fact you may be yelling that at the computer screen , but the fact of the matter is there is not enough control over the price of gas against the cost of crude. We the People have paid our dues for the rapid jump in crude. Its now time that we get a break. We demand that gas comes down now not later and not slowly. Bring it down as fast as you rich bastards took it up!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Casey grabs a murder charge

I'm sure most of you have seen or heard about the on going investigation in Orlando Fl about little 3 year old Calyee Anthony. Today a Grand Jury made up of 19 local people listened to testimony and got a first hand look at evidence that the local police along with the FDLE and FBI have recovered in their investigation. After on a few short hours the panel of 19 decided there was enough evidence to charge the 22 year old mother Casey Anthony with 1st degree Murder, Aggravated Manslaughter and a slew of other charges. We can only hope that since she is now really over the coals, she will talk and let the people of this world know what really happened to her little girl.
Little Caylee has been missing since late June, and her mother (Casey Anthony) swears the a babysitter/nanny Zenaida Gonzalez. Investigators have located several people with that name and interview them but says none of them are suspects. The indictment comes only a day after a non profit searxh team Texas Equisearch reportly found a dress that matched the description of a dress that Calyee had worn in several family photos. The location of the find is not being released as it is concerdered evidence until lab results come back to determine if it is in fact Calyees dress.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More election B.S.

As a Conservative in this country I am well aware that most of Hollywood and almost all media is a little more that somewhat left leaning. Most cater to the left news while they bash everything the right does. What I have learned this morning is the perfect example of the left wing walking all over the right. It has come to my attention that the Moderator for the vice Presidential debate has a book coming out just after the election that is all about Obama. That's right she is a Obama supporter. I personally feel that this is a violation of something, can't quite figure out what but it is a conflict of interest. Take the debate between Obama and McCain. They had several "undecided voters" in a room watching the debate with a electronic device they could turn up and down depending on how they felt about the candidates answers. After the debate they talked with a few of the voters and interviewed them. Several of them were from Chicago. If that wasn't a set up i don't know what was. The fact of the matter is that the Left is always reaching for the better "ratings" during elections. They are always whining,9 I won the election i want tax payers to spend millions of dollars re counting votes and hanging chads don't count. Cry me a river. The right gets no respect for this country. We are such a small group in the spectrum of things. The left has unlimited influence from Hollywood on the American voters. They make their candidates iconic in a way that people run out and bow down to them as if they are the next profit from above.

Meanwhile you have people like Nancey Peolsi running her mouth blaming Bush for everything.
Several weeks ago I happened to stumble across her weekly radio address and over heard her tell the American people that it is the rights fault we dont have more drilling going on domestically to help end our dependence on forgien oil. HMMMM if i remember correctly Madam Speaker, it was you who blocked the bill from being voted on before you took you undeserved vacation.(a vacation with a 9% approval rating. I can see how that works.) The fact of the matter is the right goes unnoticed unless we do something the left and Hollywood doesn't approve of. Whats really funny is most of Hollywood supports Obama. They don't understand that they are going to pay extremely higher taxes. Capitol gains tax is going to go thru the roof. The death tax is going to sky rocket. Now maybe its just me but I personally feel that if there is going to be major tax changes the American People should be the ones to vote on it. Yeah Yeah Yeah i know what your thinking(left people who stumbled across this) we don't know why they need to raise taxes but who the hell cares we work hard for our money and it shouldn't go to crap like sending Pelosi over seas to visit with people.

Now in Ohio they are taking early voting to the extreme. Ohio as most of you know is a huge battleground state. So they have early voting and the media is going to give daily updates on who's winning. That is likely to swing the vote. People who are unsure in other big stated such as NY and Florida might lean towards Obama because hes winning. Well enough bitching from me today......


Friday, September 5, 2008

Obama might pursue criminal charges against Bush administration

Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden said earlier this week that he and running mate Barack Obama could pursue criminal charges against the Bush administration if they are elected in November.

Biden's comments, first reported by ABC news, attracted little notice on a day dominated by the drama surrounding his Republican counterpart, Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

But his statements represent the Democrats' strongest vow so far this year to investigate alleged misdeeds committed during the Bush years.

When asked during a campaign event in Deerfield Beach, Florida, whether he would "pursue the violations that have been made against our Constitution by the present administration", Biden answered in the affirmative.

"We will not be stopped from pursuing any criminal offence that's occurred," he continued, going on to praise congressional committees for the deliberate pace of their inquiries into alleged Bush administration misdeeds.

Members of Congress are "doing the right thing, they're not making false accusations about anything … they're collecting data, subpoenaing records, they're building a file", Biden said.

"If there has been a basis upon which you can pursue someone for a criminal violation, they will be pursued – not out of vengeance, not out of retribution, out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no attorney general, no president -- no one is above the law."

Obama sounded a similar note in April, vowing that if elected, he would ask his attorney general to initiate a prompt review of Bush-era actions to distinguish between possible "genuine crimes" and "really bad policies".

"[I]f crimes have been committed, they should be investigated," Obama told the Philadelphia Daily News. "You're also right that I would not want my first term consumed by what was perceived on the part of Republicans as a partisan witch hunt, because I think we've got too many problems we've got to solve."

When asked about his comments by Fox news today, Biden said he has no evidence that criminal charges would be warranted and no intention of pursuing action against the current president.

"What is true is the United States Congress is trying to preserve records on questions that relate to whether or not the law has been violated by anyone," Biden said, adding: "But, you know, there's been an awful lot of unsavoury stuff that's gone on. And the mere fact … that it occurred in a previous administration doesn't mean [a subsequent] Justice Department, if, in fact, there's evidence, shouldn't pursue them. "But I have no evidence of any of that. No one's talking about pursuing President Bush criminally."

Congressional Democrats have issued a flurry of subpoenas this year to senior Bush administration aides as part of a broad inquiry into the authorisation of torturous interrogation tactics used at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.

Three Bush White House veterans have been held in criminal contempt of congressional committees for refusing to respond to subpoenas in an inquiry on the firing of federal prosecutors: former counsel Harriet Miers, former political adviser Karl Rove, and current chief of staff Josh Bolten. The battle over Miers's and Bolten's testimony is currently before a federal court.

Monday, September 1, 2008

To protest or not to protest. That is the question

John McCain’s decision to cancel all but necessary ceremonies at the Republican convention this week drew respectful notice from his own and the Democratic Party. It was, simply put, the right thing to do. McCain knows that there are more important things going on in the country than his own glorification.

So how come the protesters gathered in the Twin Cities didn’t get the message? Gustav or not, misery in New Orleans or not, they’re determined to march, make noise, make the police muster in force, get themselves arrested, and generally call attention to their various complaints.

Wouldn’t their efforts be put to better use if, for example, they called off their protests, rented themselves a charter bus to the Gulf Coast, and tried to do some good for the victims of the hurricane?

It’s the difference between mature leadership and rabble-rousing, the gap between respectful disagreement and show-boating. The standard bearer of the GOP knows that his week would be tarnished by ignoring the ravages of Gustav and pretending nothing was happening. The demonstrators in St. Paul should learn from his example.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Barrack Obama Vs John McCain

On the eve of many reasons to remember the day Barrack Obama accepted his party's nomination for the office of the President of The United States. John McCain took a night off of attack ads to congratulate the young Senator on his win over Hillary Clinton.
After listening to the Messiah, or the chosen one what ever you want to call him speak the only thing that came to mind is all he can come up with to attack McCain on is his voting record in that he voted with President Bush most of the time. Well Senator if that's all you got its going to be a very long 2 months till the election.
Now as the country and most of the world wait for the announcement of who Sen. John McCain will pick for his running mate we learn that it will not be the much anticipated Gov. Mitt Romney, or Tim Pawlenty. The other choices are the Gov from Alaska Sarah Palin. At 44 years old she is the Mother of 5 and a young Conservative being only in her early 40's. Is this the right choice for McCain. I think it is almost to mock the comments of McCain being an Old man. I'm sure that McCain has don't his research on his choice but I just don't see what she has to bring to the table.
She was a former sports reporter, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla city council. As Gov of our largest state she has a approval rating in the 90's. I just hope the McCain camp knows whats it doing. I personally feel McCain has lost his damn mind.
The other choice going around the air waves is former CEO of Ebay Meg Whitman as well as former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge.
As far as picking either Mrs. Palin or Mrs. Whitman goes the one thing the Obama camp cant attack is lack of experience due to the top of the Democratic being just as light.
Now the rumors of McCain picking Lieberman as his running mate have been going around for weeks. Sen McCain has a reputation of reaching over to the other side for help on getting bills passed. I doubt that McCain would cross the isle for a V.P. pick. Until they announce I guess we will all just have to wait and see what happens

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Confederate Flag

Now for as long as I can remember the confederate flag was a symbol of the south. I want to let you read this article before I go on with what I want to say. This came from foxnews.com

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Tommy DeFoe wore his Southern pride on his Confederate flag belt buckle Wednesday as he argued in federal court that a school dress code banning such items violated his free speech rights.

"I am fighting for my heritage and my rights as a Southerner and an American," said the lanky DeFoe, 18, during a break in his trial.

DeFoe says his great-great uncle served in the Confederate army and "died for the South" in the Civil War.

But heritage was not the issue for Anderson County school officials who suspended DeFoe more than 40 times before he received his certificate of completion from the county vocational school last fall.

DeFoe's trial, which began Monday and is being heard by an all-white jury, is the latest in a string of cases across the South since the 1990s challenging dress codes that banned Confederate flag apparel: a prom gown in Kentucky, purses in Texas, T-shirts in Kentucky, South Carolina and Georgia.

It is unusual for such cases to go to a jury trial, however. Most were settled with a payment to the plaintiffs, said DeFoe attorney Kirk Lyons, who has been involved in many of the cases as chief trial lawyer for the North Carolina-based Southern Legal Resource Center. Others were thrown out by the judge.

DeFoe's lawyers claim the issue is whether the school system can ban the Confederate flag, a symbol of racism to some, if it causes no substantial disruption, Lyons said.

But officials in Anderson County, in East Tennessee not far from Knoxville, said they feared racial tension and violence if DeFoe continued to wear his Confederate flag shirts and belt buckle to class.

All sides agree his clothing failed to draw much notice at Anderson High School, where one of 1,160 students is black, or at the vocational school, where all 200 students are white.

But officials worried about the impact at Clinton High School six miles away, where about 100 of 1,200 students are black. Clinton High was the first public school desegregated by court order in the Old South in 1956 and was rocked by three massive explosions that temporarily closed the school in 1958.

"If he had worn at Clinton High what he wore at Anderson High it would have been a riot, somebody would have clobbered him," said county school board chairman John Burrell, one of several officials DeFoe is suing.

Yet Burrell said DeFoe clearly was "challenging the system. He knew the dress code. His father knew the dress code. He signed the dress code. He was challenging it."

Until 2001, the dress code for all Anderson County schools specifically banned the Confederate flag. Then the policy was rewritten to more general language "because we were afraid we would leave something out," Burrell said. Still, he said it was understood Confederate flag apparel wasn't allowed.

DeFoe's lawsuit questions why other symbols aren't banned, including the Mexican flag, the Canadian flag, political campaign buttons and images of Martin Luther King Jr.

He said other students wore Confederate flag clothing without consequence.

"I felt like I was the one who stood up for" what he believed in, he said

Now after I read that the first thing that came to my mind was a shirt that I used to have. It had a rebel flag on it and said If this offends you you need a history lesson. I could see the school system getting upset if the kid was wearing a burning cross, but this is a flag from history. I bet they dont say a damn thing when African American students wear FUBU or a Malcome X shirt or Black History shirt.

I dont think the kid is in the wrong, keep in mind there was only 1 black student at that school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

USS New York
It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center .
It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft.
Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite , LA to cast the ship's bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003, 'those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence,' recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. 'It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.'
Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the 'hair on my neck stood up.' 'It had a big meaning to it for all of us,' he said. 'They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We're going to be back.'
The ship's motto? 'Never Forget'
Please keep this going so everyone can see what we are made of in this country!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Housing Bill!

Following the Houses lead from earlier in the week -- passed the housing bill this morning, finally sending it to President Bush for a promised signature. As expected, the final vote was a commanding 72-13.

Procedural wrangling pushed lawmakers into an unusual Saturday session, but Majority Leader Harry Reid made the call, deciding this bill would not be delayed into next week -- the last week before Congress' month-long summer recess.

The White House has said the bill will be signed into law -- especially because of an emergency provision to aid struggling mortgage-fund companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Sen. Chris Dodd, who has spent most of his time this year on the bill, which he helped author, stood on the floor of the Senate, watching as his colleagues recorded their ayes and nos.

Here's what Dodd had to say about it: "With one of every eight homes projected to enter foreclosure over the next five years, and the economy shedding jobs as the costs of energy, health care and food skyrocket, the American dream has become a nightmare for countless families across the country. Today, Congress did more than send a bill to the President - we sent a message to American families that help is on the way. In addition to providing urgently-needed relief to homeowners on the brink of losing their homes, this legislation will address our broader economic problems by helping to reform our housing sector and provide reassurances to our financial markets."

Friday, July 25, 2008

Taking back our Country!!!

As most or all of my loyal readers (all 3 of you) know Obama has made his rounds across the globe talking with and giving speeches abroad. Now here I sit at my little desk thinking to myself, I don't remember Germany being part of the US and voting for OUR President. So he goes over there and is a big hit with the locals and now all you see is Obama. If your old enough (and I'm not) when TV first started there were like 3 channels and If the President was on you night was shot... It seems as though that is how it is now. All I see is Obama this and Obama that, and McCain in the background going "Hey guys I'm over here"(thanks Jay Leno.)
Still it bothers me that that this guy has gone over to other country's to talk about the things it is he would like to do as President. My opinion is he has told them more than he has told us. I personally fell that the public who has given the candidates millions of dollars just payed them to go on a damn Vacation. As if were not gonna do that enough once one of them gets into office.
I don't see what all the big hype is about Obama. Yeah hes part Black, and he speaks well. Rather the guy is a condescending fool. He talks about how this country is the greatest country in the world. Then he says WE NEED CHANGE. Yeah we need change, we need to get rid of all the corrupt politicians. We need to quit paying congressman and senators hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. That's the change we need. Most of them are in it for the money. They don't want to make a difference. I say we cut the salary to $50,000.00 a year and when they are done they don't still get paid! Then and only then will we see people running of office that really do care.
If that were to happen with in the first 180 days you would see big change. Bills like the fair tax would come onto the floor and be votes on instead of getting held up in committee. You would see a immigration bill finally passed and in place. You would see a better economy and lower gas prices. The thing with politicians is most of them were born with a silver spoon or in some cases a platinum spoon in their mouth. They don't know what its like to be broke, have your power shut off or a car get repossessed because it was either feed you children or make the car payment. My question is how can you help the poor if you've never been broke. How can you worry about tax increases when you don't pay taxes. How can you fix gas prices when you don't pay for your own gas. How can you understand the High cost of health care when its given to you. The answer is you cant. The only problem with getting normal everyday people in office is they don't have the money to beat the incumbent.
However if we were to put a cap on how much a candidate could raise then maybe us little people who have ideas would be able to make it into office.
Having said that it brings me to my next rant. Time in office. The President can only be in office 2 terms. A Governor can only be in a certain amount of time and it depends on the State. Now why can congressman and senators be in 100 years like OL Teddy. 4 terms thats it. UNLESS you have done something really wonderful during the time you have been in office then you can run for another term. If you haven't done shit you cant run. If you don't vote on alot bills then you CANT run for reelection.Simple as that. Our Country itself doesn't need change the people who make our laws and legislate need to change. And that is a fact. We live in a great country and this country will remain great as long as the people who live remember that they are the voice and the people in Washington work for us. We are a country of Representatives, we hire them to do our bidding and I think its high time we fire damn near everyone of them!!!! Thank you for reading and please leave your comment!! And don't for get to catch Patriot Action Live every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm EST on www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotaction

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lower gas prices

For 2 weeks now since President Bush lifted the offshore drilling ban, we have seen gas prices come down. Yet it doesn't seem that they go down as quick as they go up. Now lets look at the way gas goes up in price. As OPEC raises the price of crude oil the next day (or even the same day) gas prices go up. Now I know as well as the rest of America that the oil that we are buying today is not going to be at the pump tomorrow. That means that the Government or price gouging us, raising the price of gas to cover the new cost of oil we wont use for 5 years. Sounds to me like they need to be questioned about it. Its not only the trusted elected officials that do this to us, its the big oil guys as well. They claim that they don't make as much money yet they have reported record profits the last 3 years...... While America is going broke just to drive to work these fat cats are living the high life with huge tax breaks and free gas.

Now I had a conversation with a friend of mine this weekend and told him about an idea to lower gas prices. Keep in mind I have no education outside of High school in economics. The U.S. has millions of barrels of oil. I say we should start drilling our own oil now as planned by the President. Take all the oil we have in reserve and flood the market with it $40.00 under current cost. What will that do? That will send OPEC into a price fit. They will not know what the hell to do. (Id love to see the look on their faces) The rest of the world would turn to the U.S. for oil and we are making instant money. That oil we paid $40.00, $50.00, $60.00 etc. for we now just made money on. So now your starting to get it. WOW we lower our own cost of gas and were making money on the oil we over paid for! Now I know that there would be more to it than that but it makes sense at least from a civilian stand point.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

World's greatest dad? I think not!

A man whose shirt proclaims him as the "world's greatest dad" has been arrested on charges he tried to use the internet to arrange a sexual encounter with a minor. He was caught in one of Attorney General Mike Cox's cyber stings.

From the Attorney General's office:

LANSING - Attorney General Mike Cox announced today the arrest of Daniel Allen Everett, of Clarkston, Michigan, for using the Internet to arrange a meeting for sex with a minor.

"Today's arrest is a reminder that a parent can pose a threat to our children," said Cox. "And no matter how "great" a criminal thinks they are, if you intend to harm or solicit children, my office is coming after you."

Mr. Everett's photo has been provided in order to encourage other possible underage victims to identify the perpetrator.

Attorney General investigators arrested Everett, 33, for chatting online with who he thought was a 14-year-old girl that he met in a chatroom. Everett allegedly engaged in graphic sexual conversation with an undercover agent and propositioned the agent, who was posing as a 14-year-old girl, to meet him for sex.

This afternoon, Everett was arrested in Novi where he is alleged to have appeared to meet the minor for sex. He was arrested wearing a T-shirt with the words, "Worlds Greatest Dad" on the front, a sad reminder that Internet predators come from all walks of life.

Everett was arraigned today in the 52-1 District Court in Novi, before the Honorable Andra Dudley, on 1 count of Child Sexually Abusive Activity, a 20-year felony, and 1 count of Using the Internet to Commit Child Sexually Abusive Activity, a 20-year felony.

Judge Dudley set bond at $50,000 cash and Everett will be back in court to face trial. The date is to be announced.

Parents are encouraged to check their children's "buddy lists" for the screen name(s) Everett used including "danmichelle2004". If they believe their child had contact with Everett, parents should contact the Attorney General's office at (313) 456-0180.

A criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Cox's Criminal Division has arrested 198 Internet sexual predators since 2003. Attorney General Cox encourages parents to visit www.michigan.gov/ag for tips on safe Internet usage for children. Citizens can also report suspected Internet child predators via the Report Internet Abuses Against Children link, or by calling the Child and Public Protection Unit at (313) 456-0180.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Offshore drilling allowed...For now!

After many months of high gas prices, President Bush made an executive order overriding his fathers 1990 order. We are on the road to being able to drill our own oil. Now all congress has to do is approve it. I don't see that happening since Speaker of the House Nancey Pelosi made the comment a few weeks back that ''Bush's plan is a "hoax," joining a chorus of condemnations from environmental groups. The business-friendly U.S. Chamber of Commerce hailed the move as a step toward alleviating high gasoline prices.
While some law makers think its not the way we need to go to reduce our cost a the pump, I think most will go along with it, being an election years and all.
Democrats say it wont help prices but if you think about it we don't have to buy the oil just refine it into gas. HMMMMMMM sounds like we might be able to save money after all. I'm not economist or anything but it speaks for itself. I have however owned a business before and I know that if you make it yourself the labor costs are much less than buying the finished product from an outside source and paying them the labor.
Now the side the Dem's don't talk about. Even if it only saved us say $0.25 a gallon, that's not a BIG savings. However think of all the AMERICAN JOBS IT WILL CREATE!!! That would stimulate the American Economy. But why do that when we can just sit on our 9% approval asses, we make enough money. We don't pay for our own gas anyway. People, its an election year and the time has come to vote for the guy you dont know. You already know the guy thats in office now, and most likley he hasent done shit. Vote for the new guy , lets get some new blood in Washington and let try to make this country what its supposed to be, The Greatest Country On Earth!!!.
We all make fun of Obama saying Im all about change in one sentence then later saying we live in the greatest country on earth. HMMMM SO LETS PUT THAT TOGETHER. We live in the greatest country on earth, elect me so I can change it. Right on brother( and I didnt mean Brother in any racist meaning i was just speaking to the white in him. ) We laugh to soon I think. This country does need change. It needs to change our wastefull spending. We need to stop making oursleves as a country look like a bunch of dumbasses. We need to help ourselves before we help others. We need new blood in Washington. Thats all for this rant and if you have any hate mail feel free to send it to lewismdmx@aim.com thanks and good night or when ever your reading this.....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Now this guy really needs to be taken out. The President of Iran made the statement to the US and our Israel that we better not invade or they will cut off oil supplies to both nations. "Before the enemies can put their fingers on the trigger, the armed forces will cut off their hands," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying. Now that sounds like a threat to me. Most of you have heard about Iran testing missiles in the past couple weeks and they have now said they will target the heart of Israel and 32 us bases in the middle east if anyone attacks Iran.

Ahmadinejadass also said
"This is only a small part of Iran's defense capabilities and in future we will unveil more of our defense capabilities if it is needed." .Now that to me sounds like a plan to attack. I say we quit buying their damn oil and see how they feel then. That's the damn problem with these guys, we don't bother them because we "need" them. Well congress get off you asses (9% approval) and drill here drill now!!!!. This gas and oil problem has gone on for too damn long. Now I am a republican and I did vote for Bush (hey were not all perfect) but his time in office is almost over and I hate to say it but I'm kinda glad.

The reason the President doesn't start drilling by executive order is because his daddy's executive order that said we couldn't drill our own oil. So instead of making daddy angry Lil Bush wont do it. He wants congress to do it. Hello Congress doesn't do SHIT!

Friday, July 11, 2008

OPEC says you better not!

Who the hell does OPEC think they are. They are going around telling the world America mostly, that we should just let Iran launch and test thier missiles. They warn that if we invade Iran the price of oil will double and they can do nothing about it. I personally think we should invade OPEC. They are so full of shit they cant do anything about it. They are the ones who set the damn prices.
America needs to band together and all of us call our congressman and tell them to drill here drill now!.. This is now the 2nd time that President Bush has asked Congress to lift the drilling ban and they have denied the request. In an election year when both sides need serious help to regain the trust of voters, I cant believe that Congress would deny the request. Instead you would think that Speaker of the House would at the very least aree to debate it. Never the less here we are still paying over $4.00 a gallon for gas.

The gas companies say they are not making much money, yet every quarter they report higher and higher profits. HMMMMMMMM I think someone is full of crap. But instead of doing something about it and boycotting the oil company's and not buying gas, American would rather bitch and complain about it than take a stand. So many times I have received an email about national do not buy gas day. Yet on that day the gas stations are still packed with people. We need a do not buy gas day. While everyone isnt gonna be able to do that because of business like the phone company, cable company and truck drivers to not buy gas, the regular American citizen (legal or not) can go a day or even a few days with out going to the pumps. Then and only then will the gas companies see that we are in control. Its all about supply and demand, only now we demand it and they supply it at the price THEY want to charge. We need to demand a price and let who ever whats to supply it supply it. Maybe then this epidemic will come to a halt.
I'd also like to tell all the people ( all 6 of you who read this) about a 2 really good friends of mine that host a internet talk radio show. Matt and Wyatt are the hosts of Patriot Action on Blog talk radio. the web address is www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotaction. and you can find them live every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm est. Take the time to listen and call in with any comments or questions you might have.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Free to blog

As we come to the anniversary of our nations freedom some people look at it as a time to get together and bbq, drink and hang with friends as well as light off fireworks. But its alot more than that. In the world we live in today we have to fight everyday for our freedom. We have to strive to remain the best country in the world. Some would argue that we are no longer the greatest country but we as American can look and see that we are in fact still the greatest place to live. We have the right to be free, the right to practice our own religion, the right to own guns (thank you supreme court) and the right to a fair trial for our crimes. However we are slowly losing our right or giving them up i should say. We no longer take any action to help our selves. To many people are waiting on our government to save them . One of our greatest Presidents said once "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Country" Many people fought and died for our freedoms and for US THE PEOPLE to be able to speak our mind. While we are still and always will be a country of laws we still hold the power to make this a better place.

So while you are at your BBQ's and firework shows or just sitting at home enjoying a day off work, Remember the reason for the day. Remember the people who died to make this a free country. Remember the soldiers who have died in IRAQ and Afghanistan to keep you free.

Its not just July 4th 1776 that we should remember. It 9-11-2001 and every day there after because in my opinion we still fight to keep our freedom everyday!

Have a safe and happy 4th of July everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Its been a while

So its been almost 3 months since i posted a blog. So I thought I had a few min i would go ahead and do it. Alot has been going on, with the good Rev Wright being broadcasted all over the news. Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race (thank god) and Mccain is the republican nominee. Now that I have told you everything you already know lets get into some new news....

A black woman in Denver CO replaced the words from the National Anthem with the words from what is called "The Black National Anthem". Now let me get this story straight ( and this will spill over to another blog) If a white guy (or woman) changed the words to a White National Anthem(if one existed) then we would be deemed racist! But a Black person does it and its ok just a little embarrasing. It seems its ok for any other race to make racist remarks or comments except the White race. But enough of that like I said earlier that is a whole other entry.
Rene Marie was asked to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" before Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper delivered the annual address on Tuesday. Instead, she sang the lyrics of "Lift Every Voice and Sing" — a hymn commonly referred to as the "Black National Anthem" — to the tune of the national anthem,. The mayor said only Marie, her husband and a musical advisor knew what the local jazz singer had in mind.
"What she said was that she was very sorry, that she meant no disrespect, that she was trying to make a creative expression of her love for the country," Hickenlooper said.

16 years after a brutal abduction rape and murder a Florida man has been put to death. It not only made news due to the fact that he was killed exactly 16 years to the day he was sentenced but he was the first to die in florida since late 2006. Mark Dean Schwab was put to death by lethal injection at 6:15 p.m. Schwab was convicted of kidnapping, raping and killing 11-year-old boy. Just only a month after his release from prision Schwab sa a little boy on the news. He became obsessed with this boy and created and carried out a plan. He went to the boys home posing as a reporter that wanted to do a story on the young man. He then called the school the boy went to and acted like his father asking school officials to tell the boy to meet him at a local ball field. It was there that Schwab kidnapped the boy, put him in a uhaul truck and took him to a hotel where he raped him and strangled him to death. 5 days later he was found in Ohio where he was arrested and he admitted to the crime. This execution came as a reliefe for the family because Schwab almost got out of it. But much to his suprise the Florida and federal supreme court did not listen to his plee to live. At 6:04 pm the first of the 3 drugs were givin and he was pronounced dead at 6:15.

Well everyone thats all I have for now. I will try to keep new entrys comming every day so check back and as always you comments are always welcome!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE A HAPPPY AND SAFE 4TH oF \JULY!

Friday, April 4, 2008

40 years make a differance

40 years have past and your words still live on as if they had been spoken yesterday. The fight that you gave your life for is still going on today in much of the country. As many things in our nations history never make it much further than a sentence in a history book or a definition in the dictionary, Your words and what you fought for will forever be revisited. For you had a dream Dr King, and that dream lives on. As I sit and listen to all your speeches from the past and then I sit and listen to all the clips of another man claiming to fight the same fight you fought, I cant help but wonder if you were still alive today, If you would condone the things being said. You were a man of dreams and wanted a world of change. You fought for equality not to be the better race but to make race disappear so that all man were equal and had the same chance in life. You didn't condemn the white man for the past, you wanted the family's of slaves and slave owners to one day sit together as one and enjoy a meal. Today we are still far from reaching the dream that he had. Only this time its not the white man keeping the black man down but the black man keeping himself down. For the white man has forgotten about the old days and has held out their hand only to be slapped away by people like Rev Wright and Barrack Hussein Obama and his wife. This country will vote for a black man for president, we have seen that we have heard that and we know that. I just don't think that America will vote for that black man for President.

40 years later, you are missing a milestone in American History. A part of American history that may never happened if you Dr King had not done the things you did, said the things you said and helped the people you helped. We thank you and you will Always be remembered.

Monday, March 17, 2008

This week in politics

OK so in recent weeks all kinds of things have been coming out of the woodwork with Obama. I really thought it would be Hillary that the dirt would fly on. But then again if you know anything about Hillary ....your gonna die!.... So this week in political news you have the good Gov of New York resigning because his hooker wanted to move to the next level... (minimum security. And from what I have read the NEW Gov might have the shortest term in History and just after taking office he tells the press that him and his wife had affairs early in their marriage. Good Luck Mr Gov in all you do. In the Race for the White House we have a Racist Black UN- American trying to become the second Black President(Bill Clinton was the First). Then Hillary who wants to raise taxes by 300% to pay for all her programs to make our poor people better and make the rick broke(I'm still trying to figure out how that's gonna work). Still its election time and the only future I can see for this country is not a good one. Even our our Republican, John McCain scares the living shit out of me. He has so many bills that cross the border between the Dem's and reps that You cant help but wonder what the Vietcong did to him in that tiger cage... Is he really human or is he part robot planted to destroy the Republican party!

The feds drop interest rate almost another full point(thank god i can pay my mortgage but I had to sell my car to buy a gallon of milk) I'm still wondering when they are gonna realize that when they drop interest rates the price of everything else goes up! I'm a high school drop out with a GED and I can figure that out.

Now lets move to the argument about Florida and Mi. Hillary just wanted the Dem's seated with out a re vote(imagine that Hillary wants to win and will stoop to new lows to make it happen)They think that the Tax payers should pay for a re-vote, we the tax payers ummmmmmm not so much! The only fair thing to do is not seat the delegates at all and do their best to win the super delegates at the convention( sorry i forgot the Dem's don't play fair in anything they do) Well I will add to this as I see new things come up but for now that is all. Don't forget to come by the show every WED at 9pm EST(unless i don't feel like doing it lol)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Is Iran next

In a unanimous decision today the United Nations laid new sanction down on Iran. They refuse to stop uranium enrichment as asked now for the 3rd time. They say they will not stop because it is for nuculer power and not any kind of WMD. However the UN feels they are hiding something. All this comes after Ahmadinejad visited Iraq and met with Iraqi leaders, quoted as saying our region had no terrorists till the US came in. It was a peaceful place and the Iraqi people do not like Americans and they should leave the country at once. I give it 6 months to a year before we are moving troops from Iraq to Iran. If you haven't realized what the sanctions on Iran will do to the US all I can say is trade your gas guzzling suv in on a camery today. Expect gas prices to go from just over 3 dollars to closer to $5.

Iran's U.N. Ambassador Mohammad Khazee told the council just before the vote that the government would not comply with the "unlawful action" against its "peaceful nuclear program."

Earlier Monday, the chief U.N. nuclear inspector urged Iran to stop stonewalling his experts and cooperate over indications it may have tried to make atomic arms under the cover of a civilian nuclear program.

A senior Iranian official said such allegations were "fabricated." But a U.S. envoy repeated Washington's assertions that Tehran tried to make such weapons in the past.

Sadam said that he didnt have WMD either and look where we are today . Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What Muslims what Muslims get

You've all heard of Harvard University. A group of Muslim women at the ivy league university have requested that they get 'women only time in the gym". . The request was granted and now since Jan. 28, the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center has been open only to women from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays.

Yet another example of how a religion can impact the country that we live in. If it had been a now islamic group of women im sure the request would have been denied. The gym is open to all women not just Muslims. This was started by a group of 6 muslim girls attending the colledge that are also members of
Harvard Islamic Society

Ola Aljawhary, a student and a member of the Harvard Islamic Society, said the women-only gym is needed.

"These hours are necessary because there is a segment of the Harvard female population that is not found in gyms, not because they don't want to work out, but because for them working out in a co-ed gym is uncomfortable, awkward or problematic in some way,"

Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, in Washington D.C., said modesty may prevent some Muslim women from exercising in a co-ed environment.

"If the women are dressed in a manner that makes it more comfortable to exercise, they may not feel it’s appropriate for them to be viewed by men in that particular attire," he said.

But the change has angered students like Nicholas Wells, a junior who called the change a "lose-lose" situation in an opinion article he wrote for the Harvard Crimson newspaper.

"It is an unreasonable policy that is unjust to men and useless to women," he wrote.

So because of the religion they choose to remain in and fear of being seen by a man with out their robe and head gear, men have to chance the routine they have been on to accommodate for this. I feel its a unfair and unjust rule that needs to be re evaluated. I for one would like to know what Rev Jackson has to say about this. Until next time this has been another political talk entry thank you and good day!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Immigration Show

We spoke with several people who live in border states about the problem with Illegal Immigration. One of our guest was from TX. Not on the border but close enough to comment about the problem Another guest we had was from Tucson Az, 60 miles from the Mexican Border. He told us that if you do not know Spanish there you don't fit in. WTF, last time i checked this was America and we spoked ENGLISH. He also informed us that the Billboards along the roads are in Spanish. This needs to stop. We need to quit enabling the Illegals to take over our country. I would challenge any American to move to Mexico and demand that schools teach in english and give you health care and fly an American Flag in your front yard and on the rear view mirror of your car. My opinion is if you love your country enough to live in another and still fly your flag GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY. THIS IS AMERICA IF YOUR GONNA LIVE HERE YOU NEED TO LEARN ENGLISH AND FLY OUR FLAG..... If you'd like to listen to the show here is the link. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/politicaltalk/2008/02/28/immigration-
We had some great callers and great commentary. please listen comment and rate

Over $103.00 a barrel

Yesterday (2/29/08) Crude oil closed on the market at over $103.00 a barrel. That will raise the average cost per gallon of gas to an overwhelming $3.40 a gallon. I think before the U.S. Government sends out the stimulus checks they need to consider making them a little bit bigger. Why can' t our government step in and do something about the raising cost of fuel. They can take care of every other country in the world and help them out in time of need by not there own. With it being an election year you would think that they would do something. With the GOP hopping to keep control of the White House I would expect more from Our commander in chief. After all we are in control of one of the biggest oil producing countries in the world. The only reason i can for see that our leaders dont do anything about it is they haven't had to pay for their own gas in years. Maybe we need to make then fuel their own SUV's and planes.

Uss New York

This article complements of foxnews.com

A new U.S. Navy ship to be christened Saturday was built partly using steel from the 9/11 ruins of the World Trade Center.

The USS New York is now stationed in Avondale, La., where the christening ceremony is scheduled to take place at 10 a.m. Central time, according to Northrop Grumman, the ship's manufacturer.

The company says on its Web site that the bow-stem of the ship, the seventh to be named "New York," includes 7.5 tons of steel from the World Trade Center.

The USS New York, an amphibious transport dock ship, is 684 feet long, can top 24 mph, and holds a crew of 360 sailors and three Marines. It is expected to be based in Norfolk, Va.

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