Monday, September 1, 2008

To protest or not to protest. That is the question

John McCain’s decision to cancel all but necessary ceremonies at the Republican convention this week drew respectful notice from his own and the Democratic Party. It was, simply put, the right thing to do. McCain knows that there are more important things going on in the country than his own glorification.

So how come the protesters gathered in the Twin Cities didn’t get the message? Gustav or not, misery in New Orleans or not, they’re determined to march, make noise, make the police muster in force, get themselves arrested, and generally call attention to their various complaints.

Wouldn’t their efforts be put to better use if, for example, they called off their protests, rented themselves a charter bus to the Gulf Coast, and tried to do some good for the victims of the hurricane?

It’s the difference between mature leadership and rabble-rousing, the gap between respectful disagreement and show-boating. The standard bearer of the GOP knows that his week would be tarnished by ignoring the ravages of Gustav and pretending nothing was happening. The demonstrators in St. Paul should learn from his example.

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