Friday, November 7, 2008

Elected on Merit?

Some say that you can't buy an election. Obama proved that wrong. He not only set the record for being the first African-American elected to the highest office in the country but he also set another record. President elect Obama spent more on an election than anyone in history. With television commercials out numbering John McCain 2 to 1 as well as radio ads and even advertising on popular video games. Then there was his Obama power half hour, a 30 ad with no commercial breaks.
As we move more toward a lifestyle where the Internet over whelms TV and radio, Obama still flooded the airways. But I have to ask "was Obama elected on his own merit?" I say he was not. In my opinion he was elected for other reasons. First he was not Bush or a republican. Second 90% of Hollywood and the music industry wanted him, with songs being written and celebs like P-diddy (or what ever his name is this week) putting up videos on youtube McCain never stood a chance. Rather than support a man who has half a century of experience serving his country, we elected a man the Hollywood told us to. The other reason he was elected i feel was for his race. When it all is said and done I can make excuses all day why he was elected but I can tell you he wasn't elected for his Merit. He has no history in the Senate. He went from being a community organiser to President in just a few short years.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not against change. I know we need to make some changes but the changes this man is proposing will cripple the economy even more if not completely. Taxing business causes people to loose jobs. Then those people cant pay bills. Houses get foreclosed and the housing market takes a fatal downward spiral.
All around the world people blame Bush for the housing crunch and failed economics. Maybe he could have spent a little more time in the last 8 years on the economy and less time on saving a country that just doesn't care. The fact of the matter is is reaches so much further than President Bush. This started during the Clinton administration when he ordered and Freddie mac to lower standards and boost home ownership. What that caused was people to buy homes they couldn't afford. Then you have to put blame on the Federal Reserve. When interest rates were a little higher people wouldn't buy homes. But the feds kept lowering the rates and people took loans they couldn't afford. Basically people just want someone other than them selves to blame. If you take time to look at it it is really self inflicted. People were unhappy with the President and worried about everything and quit investing in the stock market, pulled money out of other investments. When all we had to do was keep business as usual. The other problem is there is no accountability . No one is being held responsible for these bad loans. If the people who lied about there income to get the loan in the first place were prosecuted then maybe people would think twice before falsifying income. The more you analyze it the more it makes since!

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