Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Divided States of America

The country has had a few hours to soak in all the election news. With a huge victory to President elect Obama and his supporters we congratulate you. We embark on a new journey. One that has shut the doors on history. America now has fulfilled Dr Martin Luther Kings dream. I can only hope that the rumors that Obama will navigate his office from the middle of the road. With the economy in the dirt we look to our new leader for advice. We can only hope that the change this man has promised our country so much change is change for the better. Looking back at the last 24 months alot has changed in this country. No matter who would have won the Republican nomination the left still would have compared him to President Bush. The platform that Obama ran on for the last several months was apparently the right one. I personally don't feel that it matters how Sen McCain voted but it was not my vote that made the difference. The fact is Hollywood and the music industry had a huge effect on the outcome of this election. With celebs coming out in mobs endorsing Obama the younglings of this country did exactly what they wanted. Some will say he won because he is Black. Others will say he won because of the last 8 years have been such a disappointment. Whatever the reason We need to remember we are a country and a team. We are only as strong as our weakest link.

A county divided will fail. We must walk away from the past and look to the future. The future can hold a bright and rewarding reward. We must become United again. The patriotism that came in the days and years following Sept. 11th needs to show its face again. It didn't matter if you were a Republican or a Democrat. Divided we cannot be United. We stand today a broken Country. Politics needs to be put aside and remember we are all fighting for the same cause. Survival!

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