Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Era


In the 21 months we have seen the largest and longest as well as the costliest election in the nation’s history. Well over a billion dollars has been spent to get us where we are today. Millions of people have logged on to the internet to blog and volg about the President Elect and his ideas to “Change” the country. Change is coming alright. The new President will do a lot with the internet during his time in office. He has accumulated over three and a half billion email address and there is no telling how many cell phone numbers his can text and he plans to use them to inform and reform. "He's built the largest network anyone has ever seen in politics, and congressional Republicans are clueless about the communications shift that has happened," Democratic strategist Joe Trippi proclaims. The results, he says, "will be amazing to watch." So keep an eye out, its no longer personal ads and credit card offers that will be spamming your in box. Be on the look out for the spam of all spam, “Obama Spam”. With the world moving faster and faster into the electronic age this may be the only way for him to reach some citizens. Most of us are tired of the news after such a long election. I personally an exhausted over all the information and promises I have had to absorb over the last 2 years. So the internet makes sense. While some won’t turn on the news for what ever reason they may have most of America will still check their email everyday or if you’re like me every 30 min. So welcome the era. Obama's team is determining how best to convert his army of online activists into a viral lobbying and communications machine. Staffers are reluctant to discuss specifics, but Obama clearly is poised to become the first truly "wired" president of the digital age. Instead of the President’s normal radio address I figure we will see and Obama address on youtube every week. So hang on to your laptops and smart phones. Al Gore may have invented the internet (as well as global warming) but Barrack Obama will define it.

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