Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Big 3 Bail Out and your money

So the BIG 3 went to Washington to ask for a loan. They have had some shady practices in the past that have caused them to no longer have the funds to remain in business thus causing the economy to go further in the ground. Billions have been set aside for these company's so they can stay open. Now say you had made some bad decisions in life. You go down to the dealership to look at a new car or truck. They run your credit and they come back and say " Well your either going to need a huge chunk of money down or a co signer" Well Mr. GM or Ford. I was YOUR cosigner in your multi billion dollar bailout. So I think I'll take my money back. Then to add insult to injury Just days after Chrysler spend a ton of money to place full page ads in several newspapers thanking "America" for investing in the future of the company. This not only is a huge kick in the butt to failing businesses all over the country but shows just how irresponsible these huge companies are.

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