Monday, July 14, 2008

Offshore drilling allowed...For now!

After many months of high gas prices, President Bush made an executive order overriding his fathers 1990 order. We are on the road to being able to drill our own oil. Now all congress has to do is approve it. I don't see that happening since Speaker of the House Nancey Pelosi made the comment a few weeks back that ''Bush's plan is a "hoax," joining a chorus of condemnations from environmental groups. The business-friendly U.S. Chamber of Commerce hailed the move as a step toward alleviating high gasoline prices.
While some law makers think its not the way we need to go to reduce our cost a the pump, I think most will go along with it, being an election years and all.
Democrats say it wont help prices but if you think about it we don't have to buy the oil just refine it into gas. HMMMMMMM sounds like we might be able to save money after all. I'm not economist or anything but it speaks for itself. I have however owned a business before and I know that if you make it yourself the labor costs are much less than buying the finished product from an outside source and paying them the labor.
Now the side the Dem's don't talk about. Even if it only saved us say $0.25 a gallon, that's not a BIG savings. However think of all the AMERICAN JOBS IT WILL CREATE!!! That would stimulate the American Economy. But why do that when we can just sit on our 9% approval asses, we make enough money. We don't pay for our own gas anyway. People, its an election year and the time has come to vote for the guy you dont know. You already know the guy thats in office now, and most likley he hasent done shit. Vote for the new guy , lets get some new blood in Washington and let try to make this country what its supposed to be, The Greatest Country On Earth!!!.
We all make fun of Obama saying Im all about change in one sentence then later saying we live in the greatest country on earth. HMMMM SO LETS PUT THAT TOGETHER. We live in the greatest country on earth, elect me so I can change it. Right on brother( and I didnt mean Brother in any racist meaning i was just speaking to the white in him. ) We laugh to soon I think. This country does need change. It needs to change our wastefull spending. We need to stop making oursleves as a country look like a bunch of dumbasses. We need to help ourselves before we help others. We need new blood in Washington. Thats all for this rant and if you have any hate mail feel free to send it to thanks and good night or when ever your reading this.....

1 comment:

Matthew J. Cochran said...

That's it! I'm emailing you right now!