Friday, July 11, 2008

OPEC says you better not!

Who the hell does OPEC think they are. They are going around telling the world America mostly, that we should just let Iran launch and test thier missiles. They warn that if we invade Iran the price of oil will double and they can do nothing about it. I personally think we should invade OPEC. They are so full of shit they cant do anything about it. They are the ones who set the damn prices.
America needs to band together and all of us call our congressman and tell them to drill here drill now!.. This is now the 2nd time that President Bush has asked Congress to lift the drilling ban and they have denied the request. In an election year when both sides need serious help to regain the trust of voters, I cant believe that Congress would deny the request. Instead you would think that Speaker of the House would at the very least aree to debate it. Never the less here we are still paying over $4.00 a gallon for gas.

The gas companies say they are not making much money, yet every quarter they report higher and higher profits. HMMMMMMMM I think someone is full of crap. But instead of doing something about it and boycotting the oil company's and not buying gas, American would rather bitch and complain about it than take a stand. So many times I have received an email about national do not buy gas day. Yet on that day the gas stations are still packed with people. We need a do not buy gas day. While everyone isnt gonna be able to do that because of business like the phone company, cable company and truck drivers to not buy gas, the regular American citizen (legal or not) can go a day or even a few days with out going to the pumps. Then and only then will the gas companies see that we are in control. Its all about supply and demand, only now we demand it and they supply it at the price THEY want to charge. We need to demand a price and let who ever whats to supply it supply it. Maybe then this epidemic will come to a halt.
I'd also like to tell all the people ( all 6 of you who read this) about a 2 really good friends of mine that host a internet talk radio show. Matt and Wyatt are the hosts of Patriot Action on Blog talk radio. the web address is and you can find them live every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm est. Take the time to listen and call in with any comments or questions you might have.

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