Saturday, July 26, 2008

Housing Bill!

Following the Houses lead from earlier in the week -- passed the housing bill this morning, finally sending it to President Bush for a promised signature. As expected, the final vote was a commanding 72-13.

Procedural wrangling pushed lawmakers into an unusual Saturday session, but Majority Leader Harry Reid made the call, deciding this bill would not be delayed into next week -- the last week before Congress' month-long summer recess.

The White House has said the bill will be signed into law -- especially because of an emergency provision to aid struggling mortgage-fund companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Sen. Chris Dodd, who has spent most of his time this year on the bill, which he helped author, stood on the floor of the Senate, watching as his colleagues recorded their ayes and nos.

Here's what Dodd had to say about it: "With one of every eight homes projected to enter foreclosure over the next five years, and the economy shedding jobs as the costs of energy, health care and food skyrocket, the American dream has become a nightmare for countless families across the country. Today, Congress did more than send a bill to the President - we sent a message to American families that help is on the way. In addition to providing urgently-needed relief to homeowners on the brink of losing their homes, this legislation will address our broader economic problems by helping to reform our housing sector and provide reassurances to our financial markets."

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