Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More the the battleground

In a recent poll of who would be better suited as Commander in Chief it seems the military is overwhelmingly behind McCain. 82% of the military are planning on voting for McCain. However if you remember in the last 2 elections the left made arguments that cost the military their vote. Votes didn't count in the 2004 election for our fighting men and this all seems a little to familiar for this blogger. This is a time in the world when we need a experienced man in the big house to make sure or country stays safe. 911 was just a glimpse of what will happen if we let our guard down again. Clinton made huge cut to our armed services as President and that may be part of the reason we were attacked. People look at the President of guidance in everything. From gas prices to how much we pay in taxes, grocery prices and anything else we can come up with to complain about. It is not always the President. He has a cabinet of advisers he looks to for advise. They advise him and he makes a decision. The biggest problem in Congress. We have a Congress that has forgotten that they "represent us". They worry to much about lobbyist and special interest groups to remember that. While I would like to see Nancy Pelosi taken out of power it looks like the chances for that are grim. With the influence that Hollywood and the Music industry has over our youth we will see more and more left wing liberals taking over. This destroying this country.

Obama speaks that he is going to create this and that to help the country and we all know that it is going to cost a fortune to do so. He also claims that he will cut more spending then he is going to create. I ist and wonder what he will get rid of. Social Security, Medicare. Maybe he will follow in the foot steps of former President "Slick Willy Clinton" and cut our military in half and close bases all around the world. Something else that really bothers me is Obama quote that"Together we will change the World". I do recall someone else saying the same thing, who was that. Oh yeah Hitler that's right. Only this version of Hitler has ties to Muslim lands. Weather or not the rumors are true i still do not like the fact that the chance is there. The man wants to sit down with leaders of Communist country's that only have the worst intentions for our great land. That is the man that thousands flock to see and chant his name as if his next trick will be walking on water. Some call him the Messiah. Others call him God.

I don't understand how a man that has been tied to so many horrible people from the great Rev Wright to Tony Rezco can be so followed. I listened to a woman yesterday on the news say she called in sick to work to go see the Messiah speak and how it was the opportunity of a life time. I beg you pardon, lady meeting the Pope is an opportunity of a life time. Winning the lottery is the opportunity of a life time. Meeting and listening to a man running for President comes around every 4 years. I guess every generation has to has some kind of second coming for people but really this guy. The man who's wife has never been proud of her country until now. SO when we freed your people from slavery and the whole civil right movement wasn't good enough. That really bothers me. Obama wants socialized health care, Government will hand it out and control it. The left is all about control but what we don't remember is this country was founded upon the idea of less government. Less control. Freedom to come and go as we please. The right a freedoms that we have grown to ignore in modern life are going to slowly disappear. The Government will control every as;etc of your life.

The Government is tyring to make a new kind of ID that has a RF chip in it to track people. Law Enforcement will be able to drive by your home and see who is in your house. That is a infraction of privacy. Yet left wing nut cases are all over it saying it is a great idea. WTF! Well that is all for this entry. Please leave comments. God Bless America!

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