Thursday, October 23, 2008

McCain in Florida

John McCain started his tour of Florida today in central Fl. He spoke for about 30 min this morning before moving on to Orlando to meet with business owners and then off to another rally in Sarasota.. Some people are calling it to little to late that he should have done this months ago. The truth is getting out to battleground states days before the election is a great way to grab those undecided people out there that might not know who to vote for. McCain brought up one great point that Obama has changed his plans to include a working plan. If you don't already have a job you are not gonna be able to obtain and of the wealth he plans on spreading around. How is that gonna help the US economy. Plan and simple its not. The fact of the matter is that Obama's plan will put thousands more out of work and then he will come along and save the day with welfare. That is how he will spread the wealth.

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