Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dear Mr. President

So the world stood in amazement when President Obama signed the stimulus bill that would put us billions and billions in debt. The stock market is still falling, the government is still taking over more and more banks and GM is still about to fall apart. It seems as if the money would have been better spent giving it to people that would spend it and STIMULATE THE ECONOMY. So now what is your plan Mr. President. Will you give more money out to businesses that don't deserve it. Or will you finally see the light and sent the tax payers the money. We are the ones that will spend it. We will pay back debt that will give banks money they need. We will buy houses and cars and trucks so the real estate market will bounce back and GM will not have to file chapter 11. Mr. President it is time to bail out the American People not big business that help put you in office. Your idea of fixing the housing market is giving people a 8 thousand tax credit for buying a house this year.What about the people who have been buying houses for the last year and a half. Your going to help some people that bought houses they couldn't afford. However if someone has owned their house for 10 or 15 years and had never been late on a payment but are now in foreclosed status because they lost their job you won't help them because they are unemployed. Instead you are going to help those who defrauded the banks and lenders by lieing about what they can afford, but they will get the help. You want to give more money to those on welfare and food stamps instead of making them become a working class person that can stand on their own two feet. Its time for you to become the President and stop being the Candide. Telling people "This housing market and credit crisis didn't happen on my watch" is not the answer. Fixing the problem is the answer.
All it would take is splitting all the money between every tax paying citizen over the age of 18 that doesn't live with their parents and makes under $250,000.00 a year. Then and only then will you stimulate the economy. Make a investment in small business, not big corporations. Small business creates jobs. Small business is the back bone of the country. Mr. President the time for you to take your job seriously is now. Get rid of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, its time for now blood in Washington.

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